⑪Ideally 理想的には
Ideally, organic or pastured meat, wild-caught fish.Healthy fats - so crucial -helpful for building healthy hormones and also really important for satiety - making sure our taste buds light up,make us happy.
pastured meat 放牧された肉/ wild-caught fish 天然の魚
so crucial - とても重要 / satiety 満腹感
⑫Eventually 最終的には
But eventually we're all gonna move in that direction,so why not now?
⑬Personally 個人的に言うと
Personally, I love to journal and meditate because that's how I stay grounded.That's how I feel at peace.It's different for everybody.
⑭Apparently どうやら
⑮Realistically 現実的には
But, realistically, if companies have to pay an additional fee, chances are that energy costs will rise. Chances are that …の公算が大きい