英会話 定型フレーズ#12 Could you tell me~


Could you please tell me~ 教えていただけますか?
Could you please tell me who sent these delicious snacks?
 I got them.- Thank you, Hadas from Israel.
 If you want to send snacks from your country- Send it to the address below.  

Could you please tell me,what is the best way to feed her?And she said, "Oh, you're doing great!That's just the way she eats!


Could you please enlighten me?(より丁寧に)

Could you please enlighten me? And he said "I just want you to be reminded every time you see me to take whatever it is you're holding onto and surrender it to God.


「On the phone」と「Over the phone」の違いも学習!

 Could you please tell me 

the difference between「on the phone」and「over the phone」

So, "on the phone" is an expression that we use to explain a state.For example, if I'm using the phone I can say,"I'm on the phone now.Just a moment,"meaning, right now, I'm using the phone."I'm on the phone.Just a moment.""He's on the phone right now.Can he call you back?""My parents are on the phone.Do you want to say hello?"

However, "over the phone" is used to talk about a way of transmitting information, of sending information.So, in "over the phone," it's like we are using the phone in order to pass information or to pass something along. "I'll give you the details over the phone later." "Can we make a reservation over the phone?" "He told me the news over the phone." 

I think that sometimes native speakers will use "on the phone" when they mean information sending, but, generally, this is the difference between the two.If you want to express this just that you're using the phone, just say, "I'm on the phone."That's probably the most common use.If you want to talk about sending information through a phone conversation, you can say,"I want to do this over the phone."


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