英単語:either/neither アメリカ英語とイギリス英語で結構違う発音



「both/ both of」、「neither/ neither of」、「either/ either of」は2つの人や物を指す。そのうち、neitherとeitherは英米どちらの国でも異なる発音を聞くことがあるので両方の音を覚えておこう!


/ˈaɪðər/- イギリス英語

 On either side there are garlands of large, heavy fruit.


ˈiːðər/  - アメリカ英語 

Technology should either be invisible or beautiful, and blockchain is kind of neither of those things right now, so it's better suited for either really early adopters who kind of get it and can tinker around or for finding those best use cases like identity or asset tracking or smart contracts that can be used at that level of an enterprise or government. 



/ˈnaɪðər/ - イギリス英語 

Why do we just accept that neither humans nor algorithms are ever going to be perfect?

"The man who chases two rabbits, catches neither."


/ˈniːðər/ - アメリカ英語

Neither of which is necessarily a reflection of reality.


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