61.people['pi pəl] 名詞なので強調する
I'm a people person. 私は社交的な人です。
I have room for three more people in my car. 私の車、あと3人乗れます。
62. into['ɪn tu]
I ran into my teachter at the movies.
インツー よりはインダ['ɪn də]に聞こえる
We’re going to Italy this year.
What year were you born?
What's your name?
Can I borrow your car? borrow とcarをはっきりと
65.good[gʊd] 強調して読むが[d]の音は落ちるがとても小さくなる グッ
It's a good restaurant.
I feel good about the project. 次の単語が母音からはじまるので
66.some[sʌm] はっきりとハス音するときは[sʌm]
It was some party.
(some + 名詞 なかなかの(素敵な)
Some days I work from home and some days I go to the office.
May I have some woter.
We need some volunteers.
68.them[ðɛm] そのまま発音することもあれば、himのときに[h]があいまいに
な ったようにth]の音を落として発音することがある。
We gave them the tickets. ⇒We gave’em the tickets. ゲイブン
We gave him the tickets. 同じ発音になるが会話の流れでhimかthemは理解
We gave them money. ⇒We gave’em
69.see[si] 動詞なので強調する
I didn't see the movies.
The CEO asked to see me.
We can see the digital certificate sent by the server.
digital certificate デジタル証明書
70.other[’ʌð əɺ] 強調することが多いが、しない場合もある
I didn't love it,on the other hand,it is cheaper.
I just read about that just the other day. just the other day ついこの間、先日
Someone or other will help out.
someone or other 誰かしら、help out (困っているときに)助ける、手伝う
some time or other いつか
for some reason or other なんでかわからないけど
If by some chance もし~だとしても
I'm a people person.
I have room for three more people in my car.
I ran into my teachter at the movie.
We’re going to Italy this year.
What year were you born?
We need some volunteers.
We gave them the tickets. ⇒We gave’em the tickets. ゲイブン
I didn't see the movies.
I didn't love it,on the other hand,it is cheaper.
I just read about that just the other day.