英会話 定型フレーズ#4「How come +S+V.」


How come のあとは「主語」+「動詞」?

We take the time to charge those, every so often,

so how come we're not doing the same for ourselves? 

How come we sustainably source our products?

How can we have suppliers that are not just great suppliers
but are socially responsible as well?


How come some vaccines are given in different places than others?
I think that's another common question.Why is it here and not here?

  vaccine ワクチン 発音に注意


How come you didn't call the rescue squad?   rescue squad レスキュー隊
By the time I got downstairs  to pick him,
he was already up and walking so I kind of just figured I'd take him.
You wanted to get him checked out?
Yeah. All right, the case is dismissed.                   be dismissed 却下される。


PVアクセスランキング にほんブログ村