英会話 定型フレーズ#14 Given ~「~を考慮すると」


前置詞:後ろに名詞  given~ は接続詞(considering~も)

接続詞:後ろに主語+述語 given that S +V

Given the impact of technology on where you all get information and how you connect with one another. 

Tesla sold more than 120,000 examples of the Model 3 last year, making it the world's best-selling electric car. And given the popularity of SUVs, demand for the Model Y could well be even higher.

Given the popularity of Catalonia, it should come as no surprise that region is also Spain's economic powerhouse, as its GDP of more than $200 billion dollars is higher than any other autonomous region.


Given that+S+V

Given that these people need to make critically important decisions.


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