英語で世界を学ぶ#5 国連総会で恐竜が熱弁 気候変動問題 It's now or ever.



国連総会 恐竜の演説より

Listen up, people.
I know a thing or two about extinction and let me tell you
and you kind of think this would be obvious going extinct is a bad thing.
And driving yourselves extinct?
In 70 million years that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard
At least we had an asteroid what's your excuse
You're headed for a climate disaster and yet every year governments spend
hundreds of billions of public funds on fossil fuel subsidies.
Imagine if we had spent hundreds of billions per year subsidizing giant meteors.
That's what you're doing right now!
Think of all the other things you could do with that money
Around the world people are living in poverty
Don't you think helping them would make more sense than i don't know paying for
the demise of your entire species?
Let me be real for a second.You've got a huge opportunity right now,
as you rebuild your economies and bounce back from this pandemic.
This is humanity's big chance. So here's my wild idea.
Don't choose extinction.Save your species before it's too late.
It's time for you humans to stop making
excuses and start making changes. Thank you

・extinct 消えた、絶滅した extinction 絶滅

・fossil fuel 化石燃料

・subsidy 補助金

・asteroid  小惑星

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